Exploring the Background subcategory

Updated August 2024
Learn when to choose the Background subcategory.
When preparing your submission, it is important to tag and categorize your assets correctly.
Today, we'll be explaining how and when to use the Background subcategory.
A background-clip usually appears behind the main subject or behind objects. It’s not intended to be the video's main focus and is often used as a secondary clip under the main subject.
Backgrounds can have copy space, bokeh, full-frame patterns (variety of themes), full-frame colorful textures, streaming backgrounds, or a podium to support any text or graphics to place over the clip. However, not every clip with copy space will be considered a background.
Examples of Backgrounds:
Full frame pattern

Credits: NeoLeo, AuthenticImages, KristianKettner, Nataliya Bermas, Dmitro2009, vinnikava, Polonio Video, xLeviathanx
Streaming background - not intended for stand-alone

Credits: 死神死闇(Vtuber), urzine, Mushni
Questionable clips that are Backgrounds

Credits: Vitaliy Krivchikov, Sasha Medvedeva, VinkFan, Evgonje , alinanikitaeva, snakls
Backgrounds will not be:
Clips with pattern shapes that are not full-frame
VJ loops
Stand-alone clips (i.e. landscapes).
Clips with a clear subject and themes that could fit better in a different subcategory.
Here are some questionable clips that may seem like they fit the background's definition, but they don’t.
These clips are more suitable for different subcategories.

Credits: yanmednis, xLeviathanx, AlinStock, Denis Lunyakin, Prostock-studio, AeMachine
Here are more examples of questionable clips that are not Backgrounds:
Animals, Technology
3D, Other
3D, Other
People, Technology
Feel free to contact us for any questions at content@motionarray.com