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Graphics upload instructions

Updated August 2024

Best practices for uploading your Graphics submissions.

Firstly, please go over the General upload instructions - for all graphic assets

Then, see specific asset rules:

  1. Illustrations upload rules

  2. Icons upload rules

  3. Graphic Templates upload rules


Graphics Upload Instructions - General guidelines

  1. Sole creator: You must be the sole creator of everything you upload. This includes, but is not limited to, all textures, drawings, and images within the final graphic.

  2. Accepted Categories: We accept graphics submissions in the following categories: Illustrations, Icons, and Graphics Templates.

  3. Accepted formats: We only accept files in the following formats: EPS, SVG, PNG, JPEG,JPG, AI,PSD, INDD, PDF, TIFF, DXF, DWG, FIG, SKETCH

  4. You must use free fonts or your own original font. This is true even when the text is not editable, for example in illustrations that include outlined text.

  5. Usage of known persons: Illustrations of celebrities, politicians, or famous fictional characters must be designated for Editorial Use Only. Defamatory depictions are prohibited.

  6. Property release: Illustrations based on existing creations, like sculptures, buildings, paintings or art, require a property release from the owner of the property for commercial use and a photo of the original creation on which the illustration is based, even if the original work was created by you. If no property release is provided, illustrations based on existing creations must be designated for Editorial Use Only.

  7. Make sure none of your work infringes on the intellectual property rights of others. Such as designs, images, illustrations, paintings and other elements created by someone who is not you. This includes, but not limited to: Patterns or backgrounds of trademarked designs & Identifiable trademarks or logos - these are prohibited entirely in all vector submissions. When used in raster submissions identifiable trademarks or logos will only be accepted if they are incidental and the work is designated as Editorial Use Only.

  8. We cannot accept logos, logo templates, or any iconography intended for use as a logo. Trademarked logos of social networks can only be included in raster and if designed to indicate the users’ username/referral to the social network. For logo placeholders, please only use our generic logos.

  9. Derivatives: A previously approved project can not be modified and resubmitted as a new asset by recoloring, rearranging elements or making minor alterations. Similar graphics should be grouped into a single submission and offered as a pack.

  10. Submission weight limit: The maximum zipped package size per submission is up to 3GB (gigabytes).

  11. Preview image: A preview image must be uploaded for all graphics submissions. It should be a JPG file, 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels. No photographic backgrounds or additional text will be accepted in previews, other than what appears within graphics templates. Previews should not contain any 4K, HD, rival site, software, or third-party logos or icons.

  12. Submissions: Please follow these guidelines for your submissions:

  1. Title: Give the file a name that identifies with the asset. Make sure to capitalize each word in the title (for example: Watercolor Portrait Of A Senior Man). Titles should be maximum of 40 characters.

  2. Descriptions: Keep your description sentence short, and it should be limited to 25 words. Descriptions should include the number of graphic assets included in the package, if not mentioned in the title.

  3. The description must include the following technical info in the form of bullet points : include the following points (each point starts with a hyphen “-” followed by a space):

- Designated for digital or print

- Color space

- Format size and aspect ratios available


- If Plugins were used, please specify it

Points for graphic templates only:

- Number of pages/screens

- Number of text/media/logo placeholders included



Illustration upload rules:

Motion Array accepts submissions of both digital (e.g. created in Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop) and traditional illustrations (e.g. created with a pen, ink, or watercolors).

  1. 3rd-party plugins or add-on are allowed only when they are free for commercial use and a link to the download is included in the help file. When used, write “plugin is used” in the description’s bullet point.

  2. Package:The final package should be zipped and include:

  • For raster submissions: TIFF, PNG, and JPEG files, saved at maximum quality, 300 ppi.

  • For vector submissions: EPS, PNG, and JPEG files, exported at maximum quality, 300 ppi.

  • For isolated spot illustration, please provide a PNG file with a transparent background.

3. When submitting an illustration in both CMYK & RGB, create two separate folders: one designated “Print”, and the other designated “Digital”. Specify on the description bullet points the two color spaces.

Digital Illustrations:

  • Color space: RGB

  • Avoid autotrace. If autotrace is used, it should not be noticeable.

  • Optimize anchor points. Simplify paths and combine objects when possible.

  • We do not accept text in digital illustration. Illustration with live text must be submitted as a graphic template. We can only accept illustrations with text if the text is painted or illustrated. Do not include text traced from real fonts. We do not accept “word clouds” or illustrations consisting entirely of text.

Vector files:

  • Vector EPS files should be well organized, grouped, and labeled. Use global swatches for colors, gradients, and patterns. Do not expand gradients.

  • Make sure “Create PDF Compatible File” is checked when saving.

  • We cannot accept digital vector illustrations with linked raster artwork.

Raster files:

  • Layered PSD files that are unorganized and open to a string of default layer names will not be accepted.

  • Minimum raster size: The minimum size for digital raster illustrations is 2000X2000 pixels, in a 300 ppi resolution


Traditional Illustrations:


Traditional illustrations such as paintings, drawings, or pencil sketches done on paper or canvas should be captured on a flatbed scanner in high resolution (minimum 300 dpi) or photographed in high resolution using a professional flat-lay tripod mount. We cannot accept cell phone or handheld photos of traditional media illustrations.


  • Rasters only, no vectors, no autotrace.

  • Property release: Upload a signed property release verifying that you are the owner and sole creator of the artwork. Property releases must include an image of the artwork and any photos or sketches created by you that were used in making the final illustration.


Icons upload rules:

Motion Array accepts submissions of vector icons built from scratch that can be edited in layers in Adobe Illustrator.

  • Icon packs must consist of minimum of 5 icons, maximum of 30 icons.

  • Package: The final package should be zipped and must include at least 1 project file (EPS/Ai) with all included icons unified into a single file, within a designated 'Project' folder. A designated 'PNG' folder with each icon exported individually on a transparent background, at a minimum of 500x500 pixels. Individual JPG and SVG files are optional, in which will be organized in a folder within the package titled the file name ('JPG'/'SVG')

  • EPS/Ai project files must include a swatch panel cleaned of default swatches and replaced with global swatches. Read more on how to add global swatches here

  • We cannot accept logos, logo templates, or any iconography intended for use as a logo.

  • No auto-traced icons will be accepted.

  • We cannot accept vector icons with linked raster artwork.

Tips for a fast curation process:

  • The asset title will state the number of icons within the pack and the theme of the pack. For example: 15 Occupation Icons

  • Please make sure your description sentence is concise and includes technical details in the form of bullet points. For example:- Digital- RGB- 500x500 px(separated by a line break and will be preceded by a dash and a space)

  • In order to make the best use of the 20-tag limit, please keep your tags focused on the pack's concept and, if possible, state the different elements that are visible.


Graphic Template upload rules:

Motion Array accepts the submissions of both digital and print templates. That includes templates for web and mobile, social media, mockups, and infographics.


  • When combining digital and print designs in a single asset submission, create two separate folders: one designated “Print”, and the other designated “Digital”. Specify on the description bullet points the two color spaces: - RGB, - CMYK

  • 3rd-party plugins or add-ons are allowed only when they are free for commercial use, and a link to the download is included in the help file. When used, write “plugin is used” in the description’s bullet point.

  • Mockup Preview: Whenever a preview file contains a mockup of a device such as a mobile phone, computer screen, tablet, etc, it can only be approved if it's a generic non-recognizable device.

  • Graphic templates package structure: Template's download package (with the except Mockups) must include: (1) A project folder, named after the asset’s name, contains the project master files AI/PSD/INDD and jpeg files (Maximum quality). (2) A “Help” folder that contains a text document with links to all the fonts used in the template. Font links must be 100% free for personal and commercial use. (3) Include a text document with links to any media placeholders used for the preview.

  • Font usage: Read the terms and conditions of the font links you are supplying; only use fonts that are 100% free for personal and commercial use, or created by you

  • Project structureUnlock and clearly label each layer, and group it into labeled folders when necessary so users can easily navigate and manipulate elements. All text layers should be grouped as “Text placeholders”, all media layers should be grouped as “Media placeholders”, all graphic layers should be grouped as “Graphic elements”, etc. Layered AI files that are unorganized and open to a string of default layer names will not be accepted.

  • Media placeholders: In template previews, use placeholder media that you have a license to use for commercial use. Actual placeholder media should not be included in the final upload. Instead, placeholders in a template should have a solid background with the text "Your Media Here.” Provide a document with links to the media you have used in your preview image. Non-placeholder media should be embedded in the template, and have a matching PPI as the document.

  • Text placeholders - All text must be editable - do not outline text.

  • Color: Digital templates color space: RGB, Print templates color space: CMYK. Do not include spot colors (such as Pantone) - only CMYK or RGB swatches should be used. Select all unused swatches and delete them before saving and submitting the template to avoid confusion. Use Global Color swatches when applicable for a better user experience.

  • Artboards: Utilize the artboard tool in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator for templates with multiple screens/pages, to reduce the number of master project files. Each screen or page should have its own artboard to allow users to easily export them as separate files. Make sure the artboards are at least 1 inch from each other or more, for a better user experience.

  • PPI: (1) Set a web/mobile template to a minimum of 72 ppi. (2) Set a print template to a minimum of 300 dpi.

See sections below for special instructions



Mockups should be built from scratch with editable, clearly labeled layers in Adobe Photoshop. Motion Array accepts onscreen mockups for nearly any type of product, including cosmetics, beverages, clothing, electronics, mood boards, and packaging, just to name a few.

  1. Package: The final package should be zipped and include a layered PSD project file and a JPEG file (300 ppi).

  2. Preview: Whenever a preview file contains a mockup of a device such as a mobile phone, computer screen, tablet, etc, it can only be approved if it's a generic non-recognizable device.

  3. Size: Minimum size: 1080 pixels x 1080 pixels, Maximum size: 7200 pixels x 7200 pixelsm Resolution: 300 ppi

  4. Media placeholders: Use the Smart Objects/Frame tool to create media placeholders, and label the layers “Your Media Here”. Remove any nested Smart Objects and raster any Smart Objects that don’t contain editable elements.

  • Photographic background: Motion Array allows using photos as a graphic mockup background.

  • You must use free photos from Pexels, Pixabay, Unsplash, Gratisography, assets from the Motion Array library that you have a license to use for commercial use, or your own original photo. Please provide sources of photos used in your mockup into a .TXT document and include this document in a separate folder labeled “Help” within your zipped package upload.



include charts and graphs with editable data, maps, labels, markers, text blocks, and call-outs.

  1. Infographics should be built from scratch with editable, clearly labeled layers in Adobe Illustrator.

  2. Package The infographics’ package must be zipped and include:

  • A project folder: named after the asset’s name, containing: An AI project master file, Two JPGs (300 ppi), one with text and one without text, A “Help” folder: Containing: a text document with links to all the fonts used in the template. Read the terms and conditions of the font links you are supplying to ensure they are 100% free for personal and commercial use, a text document with links to any media placeholders used for the preview. When needed, infographic submissions should include a text document with instructions, advising beginning users on how to edit live graph data.


Website and App UI/UX:

Motion Array accepts user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) templates that allow users to create prototypes and elements for mobile and web designs quickly.

  1. UI/UX templates should be built from scratch with editable, clearly labeled layers in either Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator.

  2. Accepted master project files: PSD, AI,

  3. Color space: RGB, 150 ppi.

  4. Frames: UI/UX templates may include multiple frames with variable heights. If the template is for a single-sized screen, all layouts should have the same width. If the template is for responsive layouts, artboard sizes may vary.

  5. Artboards: Group elements together on separate artboards and name them according to each screen’s function. Photoshop file size increases with the number of artboards, so don’t exceed 500 MB.

  6. Text: All text should be editable and colors should be saved as swatches.

  7. Names & Logo placeholders: Use generic names, such as “John Doe,” and generic website, social media, and email names, such as “” and “@username”. For logo placeholders please use generic logos; we recommend using our generic logos.

Print Templates:

Motion Array accepts submissions of print templates for a variety of products including posters, packaging, booklets, brochures, flyers, invitations, business cards, magazines, and stationery.

  1. Print templates should be built from scratch in Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop.

  2. Print color space: CMYK, 300 dpi.

  3. Size: Use standard paper size

  4. Bleed and margins: Include bleed for all print layouts. Margins should be clear of text and images (unless they are intended to bleed to the edge). Do not include additional crop marks or bleed lines.


Export stickers as transparent png files as well as jpgs.


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