Why was my submission rejected?
Learn about the curation process and what can help get your assets approved.

Updated August 2024
We understand it can be frustrating to submit a product that gets rejected. While we appreciate the effort to submit your best work, sometimes a product is not the right fit or does not meet our minimum quality requirements.
We hope the following information helps you avoid rejections in the future and get more assets approved right away.
Original Content & High-Quality Work
One reason why a product may be rejected is that it doesn’t meet our standard of quality. Quality means not only an increase in the production value, themes, and design choices, but also originality, creativity, diversity, and innovation, as well as adhering to other specifications in our upload rules specific to the type of product.
Technical Issues
Your asset may not have met the technical level of quality required on the marketplace. It is the contributors’ responsibility to perform comprehensive tests of their works before they submit them for review. Motion Array does not QA and debug for you and broken assets will be rejected.
If the submission is technically correct, the issue could be that it does not follow the standardization requirements outlined in the upload rules.
Usability & Standardization
Assets should work effortlessly for everyone, no matter their skill or experience level. We require all submissions to be consistently user-friendly and without workarounds. Download packages across all categories should be organized as demonstrated in the provided examples in the upload rules.
“Evergreen” refers to assets being useful and relevant for an extended period of time. We strive to ensure that Motion Array is full of helpful downloads that can be used again and again. For instance, if you submit a “New Year’s” asset that is only available for 2024, and does not include 2025, 2026, it may be rejected.
Similar Assets
You may have received a rejection because we already have a high volume of available assets that are too similar or it may have been deemed too derivative to existing work. We may decide to be more selective around certain themes, project types, genres, etc. Furthermore, many contributors use many of the same popular tools and techniques to help with their asset development, so many products can start to look, sound, and feel the same. Only the best will be selected.
Commercial Viability
All assets must meet our standards of commercial viability. Your asset may have been deemed not to have a commercial application or be in demand by our members.
Copyright Content
As outlined in the upload rules, you cannot take layers, parts, or ideas from your own products and incorporate them, or build a product that is a replica or mimic of some other piece of work already out in the world.
Your product may also be rejected because it appears that one or more element(s) are not owned by you, even if the other elements are your own.
Release Forms
Rejections occur if you do not have the proper model or location release forms for the content that you’re submitting. It is paramount that these are properly appended for each submission and available when appropriate.
Titles, Descriptions & Tags
Please describe your submissions as complete and as best you can. If the title, description, or tags provided are incomplete, irrelevant, poorly worded, self-promotional, or contain offensive content, you may receive a rejection. Minor issues may have the opportunity to be corrected.
We hope this helps clarify why some products may be rejected and shed some light on our decision-making process. Unfortunately, we cannot discuss rejections further, and we advise you to review your submission to see what improvements can be made to meet the approval requirements.
We know rejections can be difficult, but they happen to the best of us. We strongly encourage you to submit new content again soon with these points in mind. Thank you for helping us build the best marketplace with the highest quality products.
Any questions? Reach out to us at Content@motionarray.com