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Artist Hub

Welcome to the Motion Array artist hub - 

A bit of everything

Get Noticed - 10 Tips For Tags!

Hey there, template creators!

Looking to make your templates more accessible to find? Tagging is the key! 

You can help users find exactly what they're looking for by picking the right words to describe your templates.  Check out these 10 simple tips to level up your tagging game

How to create the best Audio submission

This article will help you prepare your Motion Array audio submission and understand how to add all relevant data correctly.

We're doing our best to make sure each submission's data is as accurate as possible, in order to give our users the best experience. 

How to learn what's popular in MA?

Marketplace trends and the popularity of your works are very requested topics, and we'd like to show you a simple way to check them. To better understand what's trending and review our catalog click to read full article.

This is the Motion Array Artists’ Hub!

This Hub is dedicated to our Motion Array Artists community. Here you can learn about the latest trends, all Motion Array updates, useful interviews, upcoming events, and articles to get inspired and create! 

What can you sell on Motion Array?
Top-quality, trendy digital assets with high commercial demand, from Video Templates and Motion Graphics to Audio, Footage, Graphics and Photos.

A Glimpse into Our Growth









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