Vocals & Instrumental Music subcategories
Updated August 2024
Learn more about these Music subcategories to help users find your content.
We have just launched two new subcategories to improve our users’ experience!
Vocals: anything predominately featuring a vocalist (pop, rock, opera, etc.) - note that just having background vocals does not warrant this filter. This is relevant when vocals are the focus of the track.
Instrumental: Anything featuring instruments only. ** If your track includes both an instrumental and a vocal version, you can select both.
When choosing the subcategory for your submission, select the one that best describes your tracks. Our curation team will add additional subcategories during the review if needed.
Also, we are working on adding the Vocals/Instrumental subcategories to your already approved submissions, so there’s no need to request that we send back older tracks for this change.
We’re sure these new subcategories will help our users find what they need faster and more accurately!
Questions? Reach out to us at content@motionarray.com.