How to join Motion Array as an Artist?

Updated August 2024
Want to become a Motion Array Artist? Here’s where you should start!
Motion Array’s Artist community is made of carefully picked creative and professional artists. We make sure that our artists are consistent with their quality and style and can keep uploading only their best assets to our marketplace. Want to become part of our community? Here’s where you should start!
(1) Make sure you register to the site through our become an artist page
This will open your artist account and will give you the option to upload assets and track your initial submissions. Once you complete the registration, you’ll be automatically redirected to the official application form.
(2) Fill out the ‘Become an Artist’ application form
Start by providing your full legal name and correct information, such as your country of residency. Make sure to apply with your active email address, as you don’t want to miss any updates or offers from our team!

(3) Prepare your portfolio
Be sure to show us your best works only! This way, we can quickly evaluate the level of your art and make a swift decision. Please include other marketplaces you sell on, Social media accounts, and personal sites. Please refrain from linking to google drive folders or dropbox.
(4) Example submissions
In addition to filling out the form, you’ll need to upload 2-5 submissions to your Motion Array profile that represent the type of work you'd like to sell on our marketplace.
Simply head over to “My Submissions” tab in your account, click on “Submit a Product” and complete all relevant fields for the selected category.
Please make sure your submissions follow our "Upload Rules".

Once both the form and the submissions are completed, our curators will review your application, and we’ll update you via email.
The review process usually takes up to 14 days from your submission date.
Congratulations! If you’ve passed the first stage of becoming an artist, you will receive an email from us in no longer than 21 days from application. But wait! We’re not done yet!
(1) Legal documents - We will ask you to fill out tax documents and provide identification information.
(2) Fix submissions- Hooray! You’re almost there!
To make sure your submitted assets are aligned with our submission rules, you might’ve received a ‘Needs Work’ email from our curation team. Make sure you follow their instructions and re-upload your fixed assets. Please note that if you do not fix the assets as requested, we won’t be able to fully onboard you as an artist on Motion Array.
Once your assets are approved, you are part of the Motion Array Artist community!
Have any questions or concerns? Contact our team at