Easy-to-Use Filter

Updated August 2024
Check out our “Easy-to-use” filter, which supports users who are looking for simple to edit and customize Premiere Pro and After Effects Templates.
Motion Array just launched a “Easy-to-use” filter to support our users that are looking for simple to edit & customize Premiere Pro and After Effects templates.This will hopefully help our beginner users and potential ones to enter the amazing world of template editing.
We’re proud to say that we are the first ones in the industry to suggest such a filter and appreciate our artists’ work in providing amazing templates that can be used by both beginners and professional editors.
What does this mean for you?
You can create your template and suggest it under "Easy-to-use" simply by following this Artist Kit. Notice that you should check before if the template technical aspects could fit in to that category by going over the basics, and if you believe it does, follow the instructions on how to customize it to fit our Easy-to-use structure.
Be sure to add 'E2U' to your submission's title so we can easily spot it.
Don't worry, our team will remove it from the title after curation!
Easy-to-Use Artist Kit
We already have dozens of templates ready for our users, and we will keep you posted on the success of this filter.
Check it out on our Premiere Pro & After Effects templates!

Have any questions? Feel free to contact us at content@motionarray.com