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Updated Templates Categories

Updated August 2024

Learn about our categories and filters for Templates and Presets, and better understand how to tag your content.

We’re excited to share that we’ve reorganized our categories and filters for templates and presets. Below you can find the new descriptions and uses and better understand how to tag your templates.



Lower Thirds





Overlays & Icons

Typography & Titles






A template with the core purpose of revealing or presenting a logo in a short and to-the-point manner.


What you should tag in this new category:

Short templates that focus either on presenting the logo or on featuring the logo as a main part of a short scene.


Out of the category:

Templates that feature the logo as a sub-element with minimal focus or don't feature the logo at all. Intros, Countdowns.

Lower Thirds

A text-based overlay that is usually placed in the lower area of the screen with the purpose of adding information. Potentially can include additional elements such as media, logos, and other graphics.


What you should tag in this new category:

Typographic elements featuring a couple of lines or more of text with a clear hierarchy and different attributes.


Out of the category:

Call-outs, Badges, Single line titles, Speech bubbles, Full-screen quotes.



These are short and energetic sequences of scenes that set the stage for upcoming content, and they usually end with a logo or a main title.



What you should tag in this new category:

High energy, Short in length, Text and\or Media, Powerful ending


Out of the category:

Slow\long pacing, Fast presentations & slideshows.


A series of slides containing media. The media is a key element, but it could also contain text in the form of titles and/or paragraphs.


What you should tag in this new category:

Alternating media with a constant and steady flow and rhythm, Single slides (Stories), an informative presentations containing media.


Out of the category:

Fast-paced & Erratic, Titles sequences, Heavily typographic


Transitions shift from one scene to another in a fluent way, mostly by using a graphic layer or an effect.


What you should tag in this new category:

Templates that are based on a graphic layer or an effect, either in full frame or covering the whole frame gradually. Have in-and-out animation.


Out of the category:

Templates containing transitions but not as the main focus of the asset.


Any project that provides a set of instruments, parameters, or setups that assist in creating an element to use in an existing project.



What you should tag in this new category:

Light leaks, LUTs, Bokeh effects, Maps, Split Screens, backgrounds with controls, cosmetics, 3D photo kits, or Audio visualizers.


Out of the category:

Overlays, Mockups, Transitions, Broadcast packages.

Overlays & Icons

Animated graphic elements added on top of media meant for adding\highlighting information or focusing the viewer on certain areas of the frame.


What you should tag in this new category:

Icons, overlays, Speech bubbles, badges.


Out of the category:

Light leaks, Bokeh effects, LUTs, Full-screen quotes, quotes.

Typography & Titles

This is a name change to the ‘Text’ category.

The dominant and most customizable elements of the template should be the text.

Focusing on text, letters animation and title sequences.


What you should tag in this new category:

Templates with at least 60 - 70% focus on texts as the dominanta (visuals and editability).

Credit rolls, Full-screen quotes, Typographic stories, Typographic intros.​

Out of the category:

Templates that don't feature text and\or with under 60% of focus on the text (visuals and editability).


Infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.


What you should tag in this new category:

Infographics, Charts, Graphs, Pies, Call-outs, counter


Out of the category:

Graphics that do not convey specific information that is mostly used for decorative purposes.


A demo model of a product, which shows how it will look or operate. A mock-up template usually has a 3D/2D model of a device, object (i.e, a screen\mobile phone), or a service (i.e, social media page) that the user can place their media in.

Mostly used for presentations or promotional use. The final result should accurately simulate the end product.


What you should tag in this new category:

Tracked objects that the user can place their media in/on it + Interfaces based on real social media and other platforms (i.e, Instagram\ Tiktok live interface).



Out of the category:

Templates that the user can place their media in/on it but do not simulates a realistic POV of the end product.

Have any questions about the new categories? Feel free to contact us at

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