How to create .zip folders that are compatible for all users? A short guide

Updated August 2024
Learn what to do so that your .zip submissions can be easily used by everyone.
We’d like to share some tips on folder compression to ensure your assets are easy to use and provide a smooth user experience.
Due to 32-bit limitations, there are some known issues with extracting files from compressed .zip folders that are over 4GB.
In some cases, when these .zip folders aren’t compressed correctly, some operating systems won’t be able to open the files within these folders. This means that users who want to download your content won’t be able to use it.
Therefore, it is important to understand how to properly compress large folders so your files can be extracted easily. We’ve attached a few tips to ensure you upload content that users can enjoy without hassle.
To make sure your assets are extracted without any errors, we recommend following these steps:
When compressing your folders, make sure to use compression software that is compatible with both Mac OS and Windows
We recommend using PeaZip for compressing folders. Check your Level is set to Maximum, as shown in the screenshot below
Before uploading your submission, check that your flies can open on all operating systems

Do you have any questions about compressing large folders? Feel free to contact us at