How to fit your creations to our users' needs - Motion Graphics

Updated August 2024
Learn what our users want and need in the Motion Graphics catalog.
We are excited to share our new quality standards for the Motion Graphics catalog!
We have taken the time to better understand what our users want and need and we'd love to share it with you.
What does this mean for you?
Be trendy, up-to-date, unique: High-quality 3D renders Handmade Animations - Cut-outs, hand-drawn, stop-motion, doodles Glitch and grain retro overlays Dynamic object interactions Aesthetic Minimalism
Make high-quality animated movement: Squash and Stretch Ease In and Ease Out Anticipation Timing Smooth transitions Attention to detail Lively animation
Create high-quality rendering, high resolution, and file exports. Please note - no Banding!
Think of clear design aesthetics
Here are two examples of low-quality vs. high-quality assets
We’d like to see less of these:

And more of these:

We'd like to see less of these:

And more of these:

In addition, we won’t be accepting singular stand-alone assets. This includes icons, stickers, doodles, and object submissions (full-frame compositions not included in this rule). Please create packs of related objects that share the same theme and style, consisting of a minimum of 4 elements.
We encourage you to create compelling previews showcasing how your asset can be incorporated into the user’s project, which will help your asset stand out in our catalog.
We are excited for this new chapter ahead, and can’t wait to receive your new high-quality creations!
Team Motion Array